Thursday, January 26, 2012

Women's thoughts on this. Right or wrong?

When I went shopping at the Supercenter looking for some stereo stuff, in the electronics section I saw the CRAZIEST incident! I was at 1 end of the aisle, and a boy who was maybe 13 or 14 was at the far end, where some DVD's were. In between us was this lady. The lady looked I dunno, maybe 40, had on this multicolored dress and a short sleeve top, she was about 5'4 and maybe 150 I guess. The boy was a couple inches shorter than her and skinnier, with a big t-shirt and baggy shorts. I never did see a customer service person there right then, I dunno where they were. I didn't notice what the boy was doing then, but SHE did! He was lifting some DVD's! She goes up to him and says, "I see what you're doing. Put those back." He says, "Mind your own business, bit**!" And that's when I looked around, but didn't see any service people. He tried to step around her but she stepped in front and blocked his way and said, "No, you need to put those back, NOW!" But he tried to step around her again, but she blocked him again, so he pushed her. But she's taller and heavier than him and she didn't really move. So he tried another shove and their arms got tangled, but not for long!! It happened fast, like 1,2,3. She wrapped her arms around his upper body, tripped 1 of his feet with her foot so he falls forward, and guided him down to the floor, laying on his belly. Once he laid on his belly, she put both his hands behind his lower back (not hard, just held them), and with one leg over each side of his hips, she sat down on this thighs! I'm like daaaaammn! He got PISSED! He tried to squirm, push her off his legs. He couldn't budge her, so he cussed at her, saying, "Get off my legs, bit**! Get off me!" But she continued to sit on him. I couldn't believe how easy she did that to him, she had NO problem with him at all! So I'm staring in shock, and she CALMLY says to me, "Would you get security for me, please?" I just pointed at him, sat on by her, and her, and she said, "Oh, don't worry, I've got him." And smiled to let me know she was fine! Ooook! But that comment pissed him off even more, and he started cussing her again, trying to push her off his thighs. Nope! Not gonna happen! So I left, after 2 minutes, I got security back there, and the boy had a TOTALLY different attitude! He was CRYING!!!! And sniffling, saying, "Look, I'm sorry, please, get off my legs. I didn't mean it." The guard was as shocked as me! So she released his hands, got off his thighs, and the guard asked her a few questions, then took the boy away to the security office I think. I asked her how she did that? She said she's a teacher in a classroom for kids his age that have behavior problems, and she's trained how to restrain them when they get really mad, and that's one way. She's had to do it before. Damn! I'm a guy, and I don't honestly think this was fair. I mean, when she sat on him, he was humiliated! He had no chance! But, your opinions? Was she right for doing this? Should she be applauded for that? I don't think it was fair to him at all though.Women's thoughts on this. Right or wrong?
The boy's behavior towards her is appalling. She asked him politely to put them back, and he refuses and calls her a b*tch. He pushes her. This would not have happened if he acted in a respectful manner to her. I would have not let him leave either if I had been in her situation. You have to remember that she did not hurt the boy, she just restrained him until security came. She did nothing wrong.
No, you wouldn't. She should be applauded and his skinny little attitude butt should be in jail.Women's thoughts on this. Right or wrong?
Good for her. She should be applauded for her actions.
i don't think she should've dealt it like that...She should of called 911 or someone who works there because if she misinturrpted him...he could of kill the motherfuccker!Women's thoughts on this. Right or wrong?
Well I think it was right for her to do in that situation for a number or reasons;

1) It stopped him from stealing the DVDs. Quite likely it will have stopped him from shoplifting for good.

2) If she works at a school for 11-16 year olds with behaviour problems then she will a) be used to restraining people his age especially when they are angry and b) will have been trained how to restrain people his age WITHOUT harming them (I know this as 2 of my aunties work in that sort of school and would get in serious trouble if she hurt a student even if they attempted to cut her face or beat her and they both had to be trained to restrain pupils properly so to nake sure that they didn't hurt them). You can't tell her off as she hasn't taken justice into her own hands - she only restrained him so that he could receive the proper punishment for his crime.

3) Thirdly, as I am a 15 year old girl myself, I am sure that most teenagers who shoplift would never do it again if a small woman managed to pin them down like that - I know that if that ever happened to me, (not that I would ever violate the law and do something so selfish and immoral), but theoretically, I would be humiliated and would be too nervous to try it again as I wouldn't be able to tell who would and wouldn't be able to stop me, and I'm sure that young boy would not be too confident doing it again either after that incident.

4) If he was caught then most likely his parents would have been informed of the event. Most parents would severely punish their children if they'd attempted to shoplift - which for many teens would be enough of an incentive to stop. I'm not sure about his parents, but mine would definitely take the piss out of me for MONTHS if I tried to steal and got sat on by a short woman - I'd probably be laughed at at school for ages too as it would probably be in the papers as it's such an amusing story. That more than anything would probably make him too nervous to shoplift again which is a GOOD THING as he will have learnt a valuable life lesson and it wouldn't have been anywhere near as bad as if he had lead a life of crime and landed himself a prison sentence.
Haha I guess you can look at this differently the women was right for trying to stop the boy, but physically tackling him, well isnt that the securitys job. I think it was just a last minute call for that lady and she probably didn't know what to do. So maybe she over reacted and for the boy that probably was humliating. I think the lady shouldnt have tackled him maybe called for security or something. But in other ways it was probably best that she did.

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