Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?

I'm an artist and my boyfriend and I LOVE to french kiss. So one night while I was texting him I drew us kissing. It's not anything super sexual, just us standing and kissing. Would it be considered creepy or weird if I gave it to him? I think it's sweet and cute. But I'm worried what he might think.

Guys please help!Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?What a fun idea! It's sweet and cute and if he loves artistic girls, he'll think it's a great gift.Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?
I think it would be OK. I mean if you are dating for a week then it would be a little creepy (still not that creepy) but i say if you have been dating for more than 3 weeks then it would be ultimately cute.Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?That's kinda like drawing his name and giving it to him

How about a picture of you guys hugging or holding hands?

up to you though I don't see giving him a picture of you guys kissing, creepy.
.... i don't know. If it's a good drawing i wouldn't find it creepy. I probably wouldn't show it though just in case. It's different if you draw it while he's there.Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?Creepy, smeepy, just keep the copyrights.Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?
no, not at all. its fine.Is it creepy to draw you and your boyfriend kissing and then give it to him?
its just ******* gross dont do it

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