Thursday, January 26, 2012

I love god and im gay don't wanna go to hell but don't wanna be alone?

ok so im 16 years old. i love god im like one of the few in my class how believe in him. (sad but true) and i am a good person try to be nice to people but deep down i am really sad. It all started in religion class when my teacher said being gay is not a sin...but being in a gay relationship is. And i could help but think WHY...why douse it have to be that way. We are all made by god doesn't he love us all. Doesn't it say in the bible that Jesus wants us to love. doesn't he say if you love someone its a beautiful thing. I know in the only testament it say man shall not lay with men or something like that but...(don't want to hert anyone's feelings but) wasn't the old teastament written before Jesus was born. Wasn't the old testament written by everyday people like you and me. Didn't the old testament say that one day god's son would come, but when he did meny people didn't bealive him, and look down on him because he was poor and not rich, and thats what they thought the son of god should be. I just don't seem to understand. i live in canada so i can get married one day if i want but like i just don't see the problem do you and please tell me way im not trying to be wroud just trying to see whats up there. I know we all sin and make mastacks but i don't feel that loving someone and i mean really loving someone not some one night stand thing should not matter not matter the age rase sex coulor so on and so on. Thank You And please no comments that i should be killed because im only 16 and you know what you would be the one who needs help not me

(sorry for bad spelling)|||First off let me just say...don't lessen to hlg because i followed the link and there's no site!

And don't Lessen to UberSik that your the reason why gay teenagers want to kill them self's because ges what I AM A GAY TEENAGER! so how would he know! if anything i was people like UberSik that made me want to kill my self Why would you guys give UberSik thumbs up if you see if name give him thumbs down. You have helped me so much Alex


im 13 years old and i have known i was gay since i was about 7 or 8 i never told anybody. i was scared and like you i love god! but i was scared to tell my dad, (my mother died when i was a baby so like i couldn't tell her) Anyway we were at school and we had to a project about are self's. One question was how is your fav Singer/Singer's and i said Christina Aguilera and people were making fun of me and calling me names they said i was gay and im going to hell no one loves you so on and so on. Then when i was on the bus the wrote Brad is gay on the bus windows with there fingers and because it was cold out side there was fog on the windows and everyone saw it. That night i got home all upset and crying on the bus but i didn't say that i was gay i just said i was upset. Then i got home and typed in Im and this came up. I read it i was like that's just how im feeling. and im glad that most of the posts on this yahoo wall and nice ones. Because it really helps. i prited it out and showed it my dad. And he is ok about me being gay now. i think im just going to keep it between us for now but thank you so much. I really did a good thing because i didn't wanna cry anymore. I really feel like gays today are the black people of the 21 centery but we can make a diffrence and love everyone for how they are. that you so much|||um yea im 15 and im the say way and when people say like im gay and stuff i get really mad and im just sick of hearing about gay people going to hell and i was thinking if god doesnt accept gays then why did he make us.

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|||don't worry. go with what feels right for you :)

and if a girl named losasha answers, ignore her, she's a lesbian and has so much self-hatred cause she can't accept her sexuality so she pretends to hate gays and says really rude and hateful things.|||You deserve love, like everyone else.

(((Hug!)))|||Just be gay and love God. God doesn't judge people based upon whom they chose to love- people do.|||And they say religion only has a positive effect on children.....|||if christ died for our sins wouldn't the price of your homosexuality already be paid for|||Your teacher is wrong.

Love whom you fall in love with and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong. You know you were made that way. Anyone that tells you you must live a loveless life because you are gay is insane and cruel.|||There are churches that accept gays.

The bible says some things about guys, it also says that it is okay to kill those of other beliefs, and children.

The point is, it was written by people with some issues.

Nothing is wrong with you, and if hell existed, you wouldn't be going to it.|||The real God will except anyone and everyone. Being gay is just as morally right as being straight. The Church may promote that being gay is bad but the real God won't care about what gender you like. :]|||There are many gay christians. If you choose to believe in that faith, there are many who will be just like you. There is also MUCH evidence that the Bible wasn't talking about committed gay relationships, but purity rituals to other god/s......they had no concept of homosexuality at that time. Further, as you know, Jesus NEVER mentions one word about gay people. Obviously, if it mattered to him that much, he might have mentioned something about it. But he didn't.|||God wants you to be happy. Being in a loving relationship is not a sin. The bible says alot of things that are based on the time, and consequences of certain actions during that time. Im christian so don't get me wrong. But, you can still be a god serving person and be gay. Like I said god wants us to love and be loved, there is no shame in having a loving relationship, regardless of the sexes. Good luck..|||God was thinking of you long before you ever thought about him. His purpose for your life predates you conception. He planned it before you existed, without your input. You don't get to choose your purpose, God has chosen it.|||Please, please, please don't ever be ashamed of yourself. With that said, you can very well be a Christian and Gay. I suggest you read the essay I will provide you in my sources, and explore the site, even join it if you want. You can be gay, and Christian don't let anyone tell you different.|||Look, I'm an atheist here, so I don't think I'm going to be able to provide you with a scriptual justification for this, but being gay or straight is not a choice that anyone makes, it's likely genetic, and certainly out of your control. Sin, as I understand it, only applies to things you choose to do, you don't choose to be attracted to one gender or another, you just are. So being gay or straight is no more a moral stand than having blond or brown hair, it's just how you're built.

Now, you can spend the rest of your life tying yourself into knots about it trying to reconcile it with your religion, or you can find a congregation that accepts you and others for who they are - not all christians are also homophobes. The bible, like all holy books, has to be interpreted, and you can interpret it any way you see fit (if that sounds too easy, then consider that you will always know if you're truly going with what you feel or trying to justify what you know to be wrong, this isn't about justifying yourself to others, it's about justifying yourself to you, and you'll always know if you're cheating).

So be yourself, try to be the best person you can, and have a relationship with anyone you see fit - you are the ultimate judge of what is going to work for you. If you really care about doing the right thing, and you seem to, then you probably have pretty good moral instincts, follow them, and don't let anybody else tell you you're wrong.|||awh, there is nothing wrong with being gay, remember the bible also says that eating shell fish is a sin, and that everyone should be circumsized, and that it's fine to have a couple wives. Love is a strong thing and I think God will love anyone who is true to themselves and true to who they are. no one should live a lie. So be yourself, be gay and find love and be happy. God only wants us to be happy and to make others happy.|||"By the way, being gay is a sin because it is a choice not what you are born with"

Oh shut up. It is because of hateful ignorant bigots like you that so many gay teenagers kill themselves. It sickens me that you have the audacity to say something that offensive without any proof or evidence to support your ridiculous claim.|||First and foremost, being gay is NOT WRONG. It is NOT BAD. It is NOT EVIL.

You were born with your sexuality, my sweetheart, you havn't chosen to do anything bad. People who say you have chosen this are bigoted, and they do not understand why people are gay. They say you choose it because they have their own insecurities, so they pick on you. Again, this was not a choice for you so don't beat yourself up.

Look into your heart. Do you think that God would want you to be unhappy, alone, never loving someone or being loved? I do not think God wants that.

You are very right in saying that mere men wrote the Bible. Mere men wrote all of it, my sweetie. Even if you believe it is the word of God, inspired by a perfect God, men are so imperfect that they CAN mess it up. Imagine the best builder in the world trying to build a house with a broken, mishapen hammer. Even though he is a PERFECT builder, his 'tools' will ruin his work because they are NOT perfect. Men are these 'tools'.

Men said homosexuality was wrong in the Bible because they are not homosexual themselves. To get sciencey on you, a straight mans hormoanes will sometimes cause that man to NOT like gay men at all, and to think that they are wrong. That it why it is written in the Bible that being gay is wrong.

Sweetheart, love is NEVER wrong. Please, read and listen to the Bible if you believe it - but please also remember that God used imperfect tools to write His word - men - and these men did write some very wrong things in there.

Be happy. Do not deny yourself happiness. Do not be a slave to lust, of course, but there is NOTHING wrong with loving someone, marrying them and being intimate with them. Love is never, ever, EVER wrong.|||Honey ( I'm southern so everyone is an adjective lol) you sound like a thoughtful intelligent young man with a good heart %26amp; soul. I am a Christian woman 45- with five kids. So I'm going to sound like your Mama- but I mean it nicely. This forum is no decent place for you to find out the serious answers your seeking. Neither is your Sunday school class- because of their one sided -ness. You should know 1st that almost all young people from both sexes are at one time or other attracted to the same sex briefly. That's hormones preparing you for adulthood. It doesn't mean you will always feel that way. Second, You need to find a person who loves you deeply to talk to about your concerns and feelings. I'm no expert ( nor is anyone else) on gay vs straight lives. But I do absolutely know that God is a Spirit of love and mercy. Sin is sin- and there's no denying that. But whether being gay is a sin is something you'll have to decide for yourself- hopefully with the help and concern of someone who really cares about your well-being- not a bunch of strangers who have political opinions or zealot ideology.

You are a precious child of God no matter what - and He loves you. You hang in there and work through this without it killing your heart or hurting your soul. You mean too much to people I'm sure to let one issue make or break you.

God Bless.|||I am a catholic and I agree that the bibles comments regarding men lying with men is a vary confusing comment, I also believe in God, and all of us that do believe are under constant pressure to follow and obey scripture and that's because we all sin in some way or another on a daily basis according to scripture, the life choices we make are not always the right choices, but who and what we are weather that be Gay or disfigured or mentally handicapped is something no man really understands why it's simply who we are and we all have to live with it in one way or another, but to love something or someone is a blessing in the eyes of God so find your soul mate and live a happy life and remember judgement is Gods right not mans, may God bless you.|||Alex.....

Do not EVER let anyone tell you that you are a sinner for being Gay.

It's simply not true.

Do not let anyone tell you you must live your life alone, because God hates is simply NOT TRUE.

The bible is full of hateful things, and this is just one of them.

You where born this way just like many other people.

It's not a birth defect, it's not wrong, it's not a sin, and it's not unnatural.

There are many Gay people who have a positive and loving relationship with the christian god, and also have a positive and loving relationship with their partner.

I suggest you begin to develop your own personal relationship with your god....and let the bible thumpers beat themselves with their book as they like.|||Look, I don't really believe in god so I can't really relate to that part but it seems so unfair to me for someone's personal choice to be a sin. I mean youre not killing anyone, not stealing, etc. Honestly, if there was a god that was going to send someone to hell for something this irrelevent they'd be a pretty crappy god. And god is supposed to be good and kind and wonderful right? If you really believe that's true, I doubt you need to worry. Good luck with everything and I really hope that everything turns out okay. :)|||If you put your trust in God, then He will guide you. From my own research on the subject, I believe you can be gay and Christian, and you can commit yourself to another, even someone of the same sex. But that is based on what I have researched in the Bible, and where God has led me. My advise to you is to put your faith in God, He will not disappoint you. Even though others may ridicule you, trust God to show you what is correct.|||Jesus is God, and He loves you so very much! :)

Homosexuality is a sin that is forgiven completely when you believe the truth about Jesus. All sins past, present, and future, are forgiven completely when you believe the truth about Jesus.

The only way to avoid being sent to hell, is by believing the truth about Jesus. Believe now! :)

The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross as FULLY PAYMENT for ALL our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what!|||Everyone has their own problem, being gay is one of them..just avoid it even though you feel that way if you wanna be 100% sure you won't get scorched.|||The Spirit of God can deliver you from any sin. If you are sincere, repent, get baptized in Jesus name and receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38.) God to a Pentecostal church and they will help you.

There were people in the Corinthian church who had been gay but they found deliverance though the power of the Spirit of God.

1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

1Co 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

1Co 6:11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Rom 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

Rom 8:4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.|||It isn't natural. Also the entire Bible was inspired by God. Pray about it. Tell God how you feel.|||The entire Bible is God-inspired the old testament is the part that lays out the rules for Christians. Yes, Jesus forgives and encourages us to love but by disobeying his commandments from the old testament you are showing that you don't love him.

By the way, being gay is a sin because it is a choice not what you are born with. If you have real questions about this talk to a pastor because in the school system "religion teachers" aren't really religious.|||Alex I am sorry to tell you ,God made Adam and Eve ;not man and man.and IM not here to judge you ,but I can tell you are not Happy ,Let this go ,just let go Alex you can ask God to help you through this ,but you got to want it .Not all teachers are right ,The Bible says Beware of wolfs in sheep's clothing,so you have to be careful of what people say.You are so young how can you be lonely

you have a God with you ,Your Heavenly Father He Loves you and He

is with you always He says He would never leave you,trust Him and no one else....stay sweet|||tough. salvation is trading everything we are for everything Christ is.

in the Old Testament, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for being wicked.

as they say, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

not having children is considered a curse in the Bible. even though gay marriages are legal in some places, gay couples will never bear their own children.

love has always been sacrificial in the Bible. God the Father gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins. if we are not willing to give up everything for Christ, we can't really call Him Lord.

if we don't believe that the Bible is the Word of God, then we do not believe in the God of the Bible.

salvation has a cost. take up your cross and follow Christ and you will know His love.|||Hi Alex H,

Do not dispare. Gay affiliations are not intrinsically emotions or feelings that a person is born with. They are demonically influenced. It is not natural to be gay and no one is born that way. You can change your emotions and feelings by rejecting satan and his demons. Go to and click on "Does God Create Homosectuals" You can change your life -- just do it


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