Wednesday, February 15, 2012

When is it safe to have sex after you start birth control?

My doctor gave me a Loestrin starter pack. I just started taking them about 5 days ago. I have never been on birth control of any kind before and I'm quite confused.

So when is it completely safe for me to have sex when I'm on this starter pack?When is it safe to have sex after you start birth control?Maximum effectiveness is reached after one complete cycle on oral contraceptives. If you want to be 'completely safe', wait till you start your next pack and have him use a condom each time too.When is it safe to have sex after you start birth control?For combined contraceptive pills like Loestrin, it depends when in your cycle you started taking the pill. If you started taking it within the first 5 days of the start of your period, you do not need a backup method. Otherwise, you need a backup method for 7 days before you are protected from pregnancy. If you have more questions about your specific brand of pills, you could ask your pharmacist or doctor.When is it safe to have sex after you start birth control?seven days after. it says it in the directions. im on it too and i waited 14 becuase i wanted to make sure i was really protected, but used a condom for at least a week before.When is it safe to have sex after you start birth control?
a month is what my doctor told me

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