Saturday, February 18, 2012

What is the sentencing for soliciting sex to minors?

A person I know was arrested today for soliciting sex to a 14 year old girl. He was teacher and a coach, he is in jail now and can not do anything until Monday. How long is he going to jail? Happy new year!What is the sentencing for soliciting sex to minors?The sentencing depends on what state it occurs and the statute governing sentencing guidelines. If charged and convicted, it is a felony which means it carries a minimum 1 year jail sentence. For example , in Louisiana, a judge may impose a sentence from 2 to 10 years with a fine of up to $ 10,000 whereas in Maryland a judge may impose a prison sentence of not more than 10 with with a max $25,000 fine.What is the sentencing for soliciting sex to minors?The fact that he is in a position of authority means he is eligible for enhanced sentencing, probably looking 3 to 5 years in prison, with probation for another 5 after he serves his sentence.{}

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